Internal Pipe Blasting Equipment is designed to blast-clean pipe with an internal diameter of 12" to 114" (13-32mm). In place of a normal sand blasting nozzle, the tool connects to an abrasive sand blasting machine. The Mini Blast nozzle directs the air/abrasive mixture at a deflection tip when in use. This tip allows the blast pattern to fan out into a wide, circular pattern, cleaning the inside of the pipe as the instrument moves through it. There are two adaptors available to attach the tool to the sand blasting nozzle holder.
The Mini Sand Blasting machine in India is built of the highest quality materials. However, due to their great hardness, some of their internal wear elements must be fragile. As a result, the tool should be handled with care to avoid dropping it or striking it with a hard blow.
Internal Pipe cleaner is intended for pipes with an internal diameter of 114" to 12" (32 - 305mm). In place of a normal nozzle, the tool connects to an abrasive sand blasting machine. The sand blasting nozzle directs the air/abrasive combination at a deflection tip when in use. This tip allows the blast pattern to fan out into a wide, circular pattern, cleaning the inside of the pipe as the instrument moves through it. There are two centering mechanisms available to keep the tool in place during passes in different diameter pipes.
The PBT-1 pipe cleaning equipment is an excellent partner for cleaning blast pipes with inner diameters ranging from 2" (50mm) to 12" (300mm). The PBT-1 is made up of a venturi-shaped tungsten carbide nozzle with a tungsten-carbide circular deflection tip that blasts abrasive material in a continuous circular pattern. Wrought iron carbide materials provide low wear and long service life. The PBT-1 can be fitted to any pipe with an inner diameter ranging from 3" (75mm) to 12" (305mm) (300mm). PBT-1 can be utilized in the 3" (75mm) to 5" (125mm) I.D. pipe range with the centering collars. With the centering carriage, the PBT-1 can handle all diameters ranging from 5" (125mm) to 12" (300mm) I.D.
The pipe surface is blast cleaned with dry grit using a blast boom system during the internal pipe blasting machine operation. At the surface, a highly concentrated spray of steel abrasive particles is projected.
Pipe Blasting Machine works by blasting hard particles into a pipeline with a gaseous medium to remove oxides and deposits from the piping's interior surfaces.
The internal pipe blasting machine price range is 45K - 5Lakh. Sand Blasting Manufacturer provides External pipe blasting & Internal pipe blasting equipment in India at a low price with the best quality.